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Environmental and Chemical 
Process Systems Engineering

Prof. Didilia Ileana Mendoza-Castillo


Prof. Didilia Ileana Mendoza-Castillo works as a faculty member of Instituto Tecnologico de Aguascalientes since 2014. Dr. Mendoza-Castillo has done research stays at National Accelerator Laboratory from Stanford University (USA, 2009), in the Laboratory of Advanced Materials from Universidad de Alicante (Spain, 2014), in the Water Research Institute of the Italian National Research Council (Italy, 2019) and in the TEES Gas and Fuels Research Center from Texas A&M University (USA, 2019). Her scientific production comprises 52 articles in JCR journals (ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8047-9116) and 7 articles in peer-reviewed journal  (H-index: 16, Citations: 680), 1 co-edited book, 8 book chapters and more than 90 works presented in national and international congress. Her research interests include the removal of priority pollutants (e.g., heavy metals, dyes, fluoride, arsenic, mercury and antibiotics) in liquid phase, the synthesis of carbon-based adsorbents, and the design, optimization and modeling of adsorption processes. She is a regular reviewer of several JCR journals and, reviewer of projects and calls of Mexican Institutions. Dr. Didilia has contributed with the formation of 8 bachelor’s degree students, 5 Master students and 3 PhD. students. She is supervising 11 graduate theses. She has performed teaching activities at undergraduate and graduate level and has also been involved in several research projects, which have obtained funding by Mexican Government and the European Union. 

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